

Well well well.
I am familiar with guilt. I have felt it many a time. The neighbor. Over this blog and it's lack of updates. etc etc.
Something else I started and did not finish or maintain.
Alas and alack! I am a girl of ideas! And I am optomistic, which gets me into trouble.
Not that not-blogging is trouble. At least it shouldn't be. I occasionally run through my day where I have these little typing sessions in my head, translating my day into prose. Only to forget it once I reach the keyboard. My life hasn't been very noteworthy. Or at least only interesting to me or the Ones Involved.
Do you want to hear about my vacation? I use that term loosely. Do you want to hear about my time out of town with my family? Surely not. It was a series of events like yours I am sure; driving, socializing, transportation-ing, movie-viewing, eating, sleeping, trying to establish Family Memories. They just became Extended Family Memories. And only a few Unsavory ones, and the fact that every day involved folks out of cho-family's immediate relations not all that surprising, actually. I shouldn't be so naive. And there was chocolate. And cider. Stongbow Cider. Two cans of it, which did the trick very nicely, thank you. And a hotel mattress that finally made us realize how crappy Chez Cho-mattress is enough to do something about it. Well, we made Real Plans to Do Something About It.

I do believe I succeeded over the holiday to tap into all of the Seven Deadly Sins. That must be an accomplishment in some books, eh? And to boot, some if not all of the Seven Virtues. 'Cause Cho-girl's a Libra.
Lust Chastity
Gluttony Temperance
Greed Charity
Sloth Diligence
Wrath Forgiveness
Envy Kindness
Pride Humility

But at the moment, I think the scales are tipping in Sins favor. I can scratch off Chastity. Forever. Accomplished that in the weeks before I got married, just for fun. And in it's absence, if I recall, Lust had it's way with The Smoking One and me. That's another story all together, and maybe under another pseudonym.
And yesterday I blew up at my neighbor over her dog. Although I didn't really raise my voice, I am certain my face and tone gave way to my simmering interior. Not that I wasn't really upset about her dog, there's a History there and it's not all that pretty, but I was upset mainly at Youngest Cho-boy and took it out on her. And while he received some words and direction from me (and I now have a clean bathroom), I have spent the hours since that encounter reliving it and I am not happy with myself. Here comes that guilt again. I will figure out a way to make up for it. In a way that doesn't give her slack for the dog stuff, but at least apologizes for my tantrum. It's on the list.

Gack! How's your Monday?

1 comment:

starrhillgirl said...

Well. Since you asked.... my Monday was not note-worthy. But I like your matched set of sins and virtues.