
They be all lived and s*&t

Amazingly enough, the toads made it to maturity. Well, they got their legs at least. Mature? I can't begin to speculate, but they were not fighting amongst themselves and were eating lots behind my back.
Not that we didn't lose a few as tadpoles (toadpoles?), but I tend to think that's unavoidable. I set up a really nice environment for them and dug up insects and such. Apparently, I am they type of person to buy maggots. Yup. I couldn't find anything tiny and suitable for the critters, so I bought.maggots. *sigh* fortunately, they did eat them up, yum, and the 7 were realized to Elsie's magnificent backyard, where they are no doubt hanging up their twinkling party lights and settling in for a spoiled Summer. They have a smörgåsbord of delicacies and their own swimming pool. Sweet.


Flickr meltdown
Originally uploaded by ♥ shhexycorin ♥

Hello Reader. Or Readers.
It has slowly dawned on me that I no longer want the commitment to this blog.
I am not very good at keeping up with it and since Summer has hit, I want to focus past my lap.
The boys and I making the best of media-free weekday mornings, and it's getting me out of the computing habit. Which is a good thing.

Not that I won't ever blog again, but perhaps you could subscribe to the feed and then and little shiny email will alert you to new posts, rather than you coming back here over and over and finding nothing fresh.

Don't think I haven't been thinking about this space, and spending more than one occasion in the moment thinking about how it would translate to a post! I just don't enjoy the little voice that nags at me when I don't update (my voice, it wouldn't be yours would it now?).

I'd rather see you all in person, or chat on the phone of you live elsewhere. This has never been a blog larger than my circle of friends, and I end up telling you the stories that lie within here anyway.
I do enjoy taking pictures though and don't expect that to change.
We'll see what happens, 'kay?


It needed to be done

really. there's a story.

funny pictures
moar funny pictures


House Guest

I wanted to start off this post with something complimentary about our house guest, really, I did.

Just as I sat down to type, she walks into the living room with food literally dripping from her eyebrows. Yerg. And I think she spent the whole day sleeping. Sheesh.

SHG, is on a little vacay, and her wobbly kitty has come for a visit. The premise was so we could keep an eye on her, her bowels, her food dish. Little did we know we would all fall under her Spell. The little Princess. I even got her a present from the grocery store! Now, I don't even by my kids presents from there, much less my own
kitties! What is happening??

Isn't it cute? It's a catnip housemouse, but I haven't shown it to her yet- I'm gonna let her get cleaned up first so I don't embarrass her.

She was put up in the guest room - complete with it's own bathroom. She's slept on some favored quilts (with permission) but prefers the closet with loads of stored fabric, so she can choose her texture: denim? charmeuse? wool? Today, it was gingham. Purple.

She also favors a basket by the door. Not the cat bed mind you, the one lined with comfy fleece and a sweater from SHG for those homesick moments. But a basket by the door, with odds and ends in it, so now it has the sweater in it. I am a caterer.

She hasn't missed the litter box yet (and btw, I am sold on the wheat litter that she packed in her suitcase) and the one time she barfed, she did it in the shower. A little binge after snacking on Cho-kitties dry food.

So yea, she mews, she gets fresh wet food mixed with organic homemade chicken broth. While we eat take out and what not. She does OK sleeping alone, but has gotten noisy mewing before we all fall to sleep. Thoughts of Ferberizing the cat last night made me chuckle. And I also entertained the thought that she's spend the night free to do as she'd like. I have no will power. And like to spoil people. And animals apparently.

I did let her spend the day outside of her suite (the first since she arrived last Thursday) and no one seems the worse for wear. Our calico is seemingly terrified of The Princess. Soaking wet, the Princess doesn't weight half of Trudy. Oldest Cho Cat is Not Amused. But is behaving.

That's the Princess there in my lap. I suppose I can see why Esme is upset.
(And as you can see, it was a reason to abandon the laundry - my lap was needed!)

So overall, House Guest has been enjoying our laps and many many pets and much admiration from Youngest Cho Boy who denounced the notion that dogs are man's best friend.

But SHG, company and produce are no replacement for you! Come home and have coffee with me!!