It now stikes me how little I see of the Older Cho-boy. He comes home at a reasonable hour, but by then he's been missed by his brother, has homework, or disappears outside or to the basement. I do find time to connect with him, but being alone with him is a rarity. Fortunately, he is not immune to my charms, and does still seek out my company. Most recently, we trade books to read. He handed off The Lightning Thief, which he read for school and loved. At the beginning of his reading, an innocent question on my part turned into a lengthy synopsis that did indeed show me he not only read the assignment, but understood and was then contemplating the next chapter. And I don't need much encouragement to read a good book - 6th grade level or not. I have also just started Bone and am loving it. I regret a bit buying the complete epic only because it proves to be unwieldy. But I have so much enjoyed the humor and fantasy. It will certainly keep me busy today when I am not staring out the window nursing a cold. snif snif.
Anyway, last Friday found Cho-ville ice-y in the morning (weather-wise, I am not being figurative here) and the late start to school kinda screwed with my motivation. Then Saturday was sunny and cold. Beautiful. YC-b and I were alone with the cats, a comforter, refreshments by our sides and two packs of playing cards.
I am wise, though, and only used one stack. But what a choice! a) Snoopy cards, circa 1970, with my sister's name sticker? . . . or b) more recent vintage British Airlines, with all sorts of airplane graphics? He chose the planes and off we went . . . to War!
Relaxed and teasing, no one getting upset at losing cards. And it lasted 40 minutes. A record for tolerance and good sportsmanship all around.
From War! 2/3/08 5..."
Um. He is made of cute.
I love the look of concentration on his face. Serious business.
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