
I see you are not ready to Talk.

I bet you were tired of seeing dinner on this page. Now you can read about my possessed phone.
I am serious.
Not kidding.
It constantly is dialing "9" today. Randomly. And locking out other commands. I have unplugged the battery, s'rsly.
I tried to take a video of it auto-dialing, but it wouldn't do it when the camera was on. When the camera isn't on, I plug back in the battery and it reads "Please...wait..." And then it dials 9.
It first happened when I was on the phone today - I thought I had accidentally hit the "9" key - but it wouldn't stop beeping the "9" tone. I returned it to the cradle and waited. Now, it will just sit there all innocentlike and when I push Talk, it reads "9". then 999. then 999999 then the whole LCD screen just fills up with 9s. It is freaking me out. And now it's sitting next to me all dismemebered and looking sad. Or is it angry? I hope it isn't angry.
I cleaned its buttons out with a toothbrush AND a toothpick. It's sparklin'. Hmmm. I rly hope it isn't angry.

1 comment:

starrhillgirl said...

I see you're All Done with your phone now.

(whew - I was dying over here, waiting for another post.....)