
Hello Again

I am going to trust that you all will still love me even though I don't have anything much to go on about.
Trust me, I am not hiding anything.
My latest hours have been spent sewing, cleaning, or thinking about sewing or cleaning.
And now I have 10 minutes before my work day starts and I head downstairs.
Along the lines of cleaning, I did manage to replace the light fixture on the kitchen fan last week. We've lived with the old one for too long. One receptacle keep fizzing out the light bulbs, and would make a disconcerting crackling sound. Plus the whole thing just cast nasty light. This is the second attempt at replacement. This time around, the fixture also didn't fit. No grumbling here! Voila! My Swiss Army knife and a basic knowledge of leverage to the rescue! I crimped it all around so it would fit snugly into the fixture. And some green bulbs and yea! a bright kitchen. Now for the cleaning part . . .
Also, along the green lines, I have signed up for catalog choice. As much as I love to peruse catalogs, they do tend to pile up and it's not like I order anything anyway. And with Christmas right around the corner, my mailbox is only going to get more helpings of this planet destroying activity. So far I have eliminated 5 catalogs from my diet. Today was a recycling day, so I wasn't able to have my customer # on hand. It takes 10 weeks to go into effect, but then you can report them for sending you something you've opted out on. If you want to do that. I think I'll wait on telling my mother in law about that site. She shares her catalogs with me, so I can still use hers for inspiration and couch potato reading.
Uh, oh, it's past 9, I'd better be on my way. xo

1 comment:

starrhillgirl said...

I thought you had forggoten about Teh Blog!
You have work hours? Must you clock-in?