

pear tree.JPG
Originally uploaded by cho girl

Is this a pear or a cherry?
I dunno. All I know is that the light changes when Y-CB and I walk under it on our way to and from school. It hushes. Quiets. The blue-sky-light filters through the blossoms and speckles our faces and a few petals waft down to litter the pavement. A lovely way to begin and end the school day.
Down the street, in front of our house, the willow is greening and the beetles and wasps and yellowjackets are feasting on the sap. It is much louder than this tree. I stop and look for the pollinators here, seeing not a one, sadly.
However, a solitary bee is pacing between the window and screening when we arrive home, so we set it free, sending it off to make up the lost time.


Elsie said...

Makes going to school almost worth it... I think it is a cherry, but what the hell do I know? If you had you some bees, they would be buzzin' that tree, I am sure. I think it is too far for mine to fly over...though probably not by much. Are you more than 2 miles by air?

starrhillgirl said...

Does it smell like jizz? Because if it does, it's a pear. Did you miss me?

becca said...

um, well, ah . . . no. It does not.
And yes?