
still waiting

you're still waiting aren't you?
at the time, i was inspired to write, but didnt' have the time to compose, now . .. well, lessee if I can get it all doctored up enough to be an interesting read.

Cause that's bound to be more interesting than listening to me sob about my car.

And dealing with said car has taken a lot out me emotionally. Which just seems stupid.
Granted, I have been pretty cheerful during the process- in a what the fuck else am I supposed to do? kind of way. But inside, I am pretty darn stressed out.
I like the car, and was looking forward to loving it. We've hardly gotten to know each other as it's only been 2 years. But she's asking for a lot of money right now. References to dependable call girls aside: Is she worth it? What's her long range probability?

I found myself growing jealous hearing of a guy that went to the scrapyard and found a tandem bike for $4 that he's now fixing up. I heard the story cause I asked BikeGirl about keeping an eye out for one. Just a bit tardy in the Universe I guess. Not that I have found myself at the scrap metal yard lately and could say I Just Missed It. (- and why not?! I think I shall put it on my todo list.)
And my goodness, does that really mean I am interested in BIKING places?
And all this wraps around in some way to the last teaser post and how now I don't' feel like writing it now. Because it's a bit hokey, the Universe speaks to us y'know - and how at the time that was Great and Comic.
But does The Universe now want me to walk everywhere? Yes? Crap.


Elsie said...

I would like the references to the dependable call girls to be included please... I mean, what are blogs for if not to comment on life in our own times, sordid as they may be.... I am sorry about the car though. Heated seats rock...Not that the passenger side worked, but I love it for you, the driver.

starrhillgirl said...

Ah, yes, call girls, please.
If you get a tandem bike, maybe I can ride it?!