

My kids are great. Great!
The Smoking One is out of town (and just to clarify - that's Smokin' as in *hot*, not smokin' as in tobacco).
The kids might have noticed in the last 8 years or so that I don't get up really early. Dad does. So when the Smokin' One is out of the picture due to travel or illness, I do try to step up to the plate and fill his shoes. He prepares breakfast, coffee and lunches (! I know!) so I had quite a lot to organize.

But, unsolicited, the Older Cho-boy announced last night that he was going to take care of breakfast, I didn't need to get up early.
In fact, this morning, after I crawled out of the 3-snooze sleep, they practically dragged me back to bed. I resisted. I had programmed the coffee maker so I could get going easily. The OC-B, had already scrambled the eggs and was preparing the stove. Younger Cho-boy was collecting the biscuits from the refrigerator and heating up the toaster oven. They are awesome. OC-b served the eggs, gathered juice and forks and everything. I sat at the table tickled and sipping coffee. My contribution was to slice the pomegranate. They loves them some pomegranate. (as a side, I was surprised to hear that "lots of boys" bring them to lunch at OC-b's school)
The Smokin' One will be so sad to hear that they were all ready for school a good half hour before we had to leave. We had enough time to actually grant YC-b's wish to bring in a hermit crab for his classroom. That meant finding a suitable container, collecting water and food etc. Made his day.

This morning was charmed. My kids are great.

1 comment:

starrhillgirl said...

*sigh* When is the small one coming over to be my bff?

And yes, they rock. I am not surprised.