
Oh Gawd

This is what I get for cleaning. A nice case of the heebie geebies.
I collected the mop from it's perch on the porch. Classy, I know, right? Swished it around in the sink water to prepare for cleaning the kitchen floor. Swipe swipe, rinse rinse, swipe sw . . . what's that in the water? Floating and sinking Ophelia-like in it's stainless steel bathtub but a GIGANTIC wolf spider. I shudder now just typing that. Poor thing though, I hope it was dead before it came in. And to top it off there was ANOTHER (different kind of course to keep things interesting) spider crawling on the floor. I mustered up the energy to put a glass over it. Now it's wearing a 3" diameter circle path into our linoleum with it's tiny eight legs until I muster the oomph needed to put it outside. I do not want to go near it. It's dark red and juicy and , blergh, big. And now I also have a sink-full of cloudy, cantseethebottom spider-infested water to boot. I am just going to stay out of the kitchen for a while. The youngest CHO-boy can fend for himself outside. blergh.

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