Originally uploaded by cho girl
Sometimes, lobster happens.
If you send your child off to his grandparents for his first ever solo plane ride and subsequent many days away from home, SOMEtimes, you are rewarded for your bravery.
It happened to me at Chez Cho. I hadn't even told y'all about the absence of ChoBoy The Elder.
He had a week off of school ("winter break" pshaw) and it seemed a good time for an Adventure.
He was much much braver than I. I wouldn't drive him to the airport for fear of completely freaking him out with my loudly silent worrying. He worries enough on his own. He was so chipper and excited, but questioning whatsgoingtohappenifs, so at least he wasn't paralyzed by his lack of experience to fall back on. He called home once a day, calm, a little chatty - just touching base. I was the Lighthouse and he the little ship at sea.
Plus, he got to see snow, the little bastard. And ordered lobster in a restaurant. With a side of seaweed salad. And bought a present with his own spending money for his little brother.
And carried off the plane 1/2 dozen lobsters for us landlocked Cho's.
That's when my bravery kicked into full gear. Many a time, I have rubbed lobster heads with the thought that it hypnotizes them, and swiftly plunged them into boiling water. But this time, upon recommendation, I knifed them in the head with the intention of a quick mercy kill. It was hard.
And I wish I had a pot of boiling water for each individual guy, because the second and 3rd one were screwed by the cool down, and even though I had stabbed 'em in the head, they werent' exactly motionless. I don't think I need to go on.
They were delicious.